The Next Book

The reaction to the newest book in the Exit Unicorns series- In the Country of Shadows- has been very gratifying. I’ve never had a book received with such enthusiasm and emotion. It has been lovely, and the fulfilment of some long ago dreams I had while writing little snatches of things at my kitchen table each afternoon when my girls were small. The idea of actually completing a novel was almost beyond me then, never mind four sizeable ones.

So, of course, the inevitable question which always arises with a book readers love- when will the next one be done?  This one is not quite two weeks in the world, mind you, but I think people new to the series may not realize that. When I tell people it takes four years for me to write one of these books, they tend to be a little aghast. So I thought I’d lay out a little of just why it takes me that long.

I am a slow writer, I’ll just be honest about that. The books I write are dense, filled with detail, with stories inside of stories, history (which is as accurate as I can make it, I do my research both through books and on-line archives and through on-the-ground talks with people and interviews with those who have lived through the history I write about) and several on-going story lines which get- hopefully- richer but also more complex as time goes by. That complexity slows the process down, but I would rather keep the complexity and take longer, than sacrifice the depth of the overall story. The truth is I wouldn’t be happy with something less than the best I can do, and neither would the readers.

My audience has grown a LOT since Flights of Angels came out four years ago, and so I felt I owed it to my readers to give them a release date for Shadows somewhere along the line. Because I’m an indie author I’d never had to do this before. I had always simply released the book when it was ready and let my fan-base know about it about two weeks beforehand. The deadline made me buckle down though, as I knew it would. I had to work really hard from August through to beginning of December simply to get Shadows done. This often meant I spent 12-16 hours at my desk each day, including weekends, in order to get the book done with enough time to spare for several rounds of edits and then handing it off on deadline to the formatting people at 52 Novels (who did a bang up job and are just all around terrific people to work with, in case you ever need formatting services). The production phase from completed manuscript to ‘real’ book was four months, and that is tight when you are dealing with all the details yourself. Every decision ultimately comes down to me- even though I do bounce everything off my husband first.

Something else that factors in to how quickly I write (or don’t) is how ready and willing the characters are to talk to me. I remember at the end of Mermaid I had a vision in my mind of Casey giving me one of his looks and simply shutting the door of their wee farmhouse in my face. The message was clear, ‘We’ll be back when we’re back, an’ only when we’re good an’ ready.’ This time is a bit different because there is no time gap between the books being that the first chapter of the fifth book will begin a few days after the last one of Shadows (and yes, that chapter is partly written.)

Some days the writing flows really well, other days- well, other days I gaze out the window a lot and hope the muse shows up for at least a few decent sentences. For me, as a writer, the quality only comes with the time and space needed for the book to breathe and grow and become what it is meant to be. Writing is a very organic process for me and so each story unfolds in its own time—rather like a seed sprouting under the sun rather than being forced under a hothouse lamp.

I usually try to make at least one trip to Ireland during the writing of each book. Being there always re-fills my creative well. If you have read Shadows then you’ll know part seven of the book (which takes place in Wicklow) is a bit of a love song about the Irish countryside. I never would have been able to write that as I did, had I not written it while in Wicklow. There is something about Ireland that is magical, and I always feel like my writing is just that little bit better while I’m there. Last time I spent a month there and I hope to do the same during the writing of book five.

Research is time consuming, but it adds the details that make the whole book come to life in a variety of ways. Even simple things like perusing dresses on Pinterest until I find one that is just right for Pamela to wear to a beautiful party in Paris, can take up a few hours. Or Gypsy caravans for instance-which as most of you know I have a bit of an obsession with- I like to know how they are built, how they are heated, and the practicalities of living in them every day. For the tarot card scene at the end of part three I did a reading myself, with a deck of cards that I find a little spooky, but which were the cards that ‘felt’ right for that scene. I did the reading and then wrote it out so that the reading Yevgena gives Pamela in that scene, was an actual reading. Writing that scene took several days, and that was without going back and filling in the details and fixing the mistakes. I did a lot of research on Native American culture for this book too. Most of what I read didn’t make it into the book, but I think the ‘ghost’ of it does infuse the book in the details that do make it and adds to the overall feeling and mood of the individual chapters in which Eddy appears. Which leads to the topic of secondary characters- they all come with their own histories and enough of their history has to be included so that they too become fully-fleshed people who live and breathe for the readers.

My creativity tends to be cyclical with the seasons, which isn’t probably all that rare with writers or artists of any stripe. I produce better in late fall, winter and spring. Summer is a bit of a dead zone for me for some reason.

I don’t do any of the things they tell you to do as an indie author- I don’t write several books a year, I don’t write short books that can be read in one sitting (well I suppose you could, technically, but I think your back might protest). I don’t write erotica or thrillers or romance. I realize this might mean I’ll never sell millions of copies of my books but I can’t write anything that doesn’t come from my heart—again this goes against the advice of what indies are meant to do, you’re supposed to approach writing as a business and conduct your career accordingly. However, I refuse to give less than one hundred percent to my writing and to these characters. I owe them and myself that much, and I feel I owe that to the readers too. If I ever ‘phone it in’ the readers will be the first to notice. I want to bring the same passion and commitment to each book, as it is one more section in the overall tapestry of the whole story of Pamela, Jamie, Casey, Patrick and company. And you know, I am pretty fond of them, and want to do them justice even when the things they do might make the readers want to smack them a little. And listening to them, and then crafting good sentences and captivating story lines from what they tell me, does take time.

There’s also the time taken to market the books- again, I am a one woman band here and I have had to figure out how to get the ball rolling so people would buy the books. I have to keep looking at new ways to market or new ways to perk up my ads to make them attractive- some stuff works and some stuff does not, but it all takes up time that, to be honest, I would rather use to write. 🙂

Also, I do like to respond to every letter or message I get from readers. For a long time I didn’t know whether I would ever find a sizeable audience. I have though, and I’m honestly grateful to each and every person who either took a chance on a complete unknown or who spreads the word about these books to their friends and family. It’s a pleasure for me to hear from readers because writing can be a fairly isolating profession, as I’m sure you can imagine. Also because it’s always nice to hear how my books have affected someone in their life, sometimes in ways that truly surprise and humble me.

Then there’s just life- cleaning the house, doing laundry, walking the dogs, paying the bills, getting the flu occasionally, and when he’s lucky, presenting my husband with a home cooked meal.

Now, about that ending…

The final chapter of every book usually comes to me fairly early in the process of writing each book. I don’t know why, they just always do. The last chapter of Mermaid was mostly written while sitting on the roof of a cottage on Cape Cod, where I was doing research for said book, which was mostly unwritten at the time. Suddenly, it was just ‘there’ in the way chapters sometimes are. The final chapter of Shadows showed up about six months into the process of writing the book. As I told someone recently, I left it to stew in the creative cauldron in the back of my head and went on with writing other bits of the book. I wasn’t sure it was right, so I wanted to make certain of it because it threw a lot of what I thought I knew about the book right out the window. Six months later it was still stubbornly persisting, so I allowed it out of the cauldron and wrote it and it felt right. Even though it meant I had to change my perceptions of what the book was about quite a lot. A great deal of writing (for me, I don’t claim to understand how the process works for others) is instinctual. I know when something feels right and when it doesn’t. This ending felt right, though I understand some readers found it frustrating. Plus, I had to stop while you all could still actually lift the book. 🙂

I come from a line of women who cleaned other people’s rooms and homes for a living, despite being some of the smartest, wittiest and funniest women you could hope to know. Not that there is any shame in that profession, it’s just that they wanted more from life but didn’t have the opportunity to do other things, but they in part made sure that I did. book stack_smallThey are the ones that told me stories and gave me a love of reading that led to my being a writer. I credit them with my innate stubbornness that has kept me at this writing gig when everything in the universe seemed to be telling me it was time to give it up- I’ve never been good at taking no for an answer.  I owe those women the best I can produce too, because I feel them at times, reading over my shoulder while I write.

All that being said, I am working on the fifth book and I have a side project that I am also working on which I hope to release some time between books four and five- it fuels my creativity to have something else on the go besides the main project. I’ll let you know when to look for that. In the meantime there are re-reads and of course, lots of fantastic authors on the shelves of both book stores and libraries.



39 thoughts on “The Next Book

  1. I love your writing, your books and especially the characters. Whatever it takes to bring them back whole (in being, not necessarily body) is well worth the wait. Thank you for a grand story!

  2. Your books are fantastic and I am glad to know I was not the only one that felt frustrated by the last ending. It was only frustrating because I was afraid you were going to end it there. Therefore I am elated to know there will be another book.

    • Thanks, Deb. I really would feel it was cruel to end a series the way I ended ‘Shadows’ simply because I think that when readers are invested in the characters they deserve much more resolution around the characters’ lives and fates. Plus, I want to leave them in a better place than they are at the end of ‘Shadows.’

  3. you write the best books i have read all waiting patiently for next i am a reader you are one of the best authors i love everything so far so please keep writing
    thank you bridget

  4. I don’t know how I stumbled on to your books but I love them!!! Writing is always a mystery to me…how authors go about their craft, I love it! Thanks for your characters, they live with me for several weeks after I finish one of your books. Looking forward to book 5

    • Hi Sheila- I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the series thus far and I’m always happy to hear that the characters are that real for the readers. 🙂 It’s what I set out to do oh-so-long ago when I started writing these books- make you feel like the characters are old friends with whom you are always happy to visit. 🙂

  5. I’ve just read the series straight through and must say I love it! The characters have a depth to them that I rarely find. Will wait (impatiently) for the next one – the ending of Shadows is tough to take!

    • Thank you, Diane. I’m so glad you enjoyed them all. 🙂 I am a slow writer, but hopefully will manage to finish this one a bit faster than the previous ones as I no longer have children at home- that does free up a little more time to write.

  6. I just finished reading the series straight through. You are now my favorite author and I am telling everyone I know to read these. I too am waiting for the next one to be finished, I think I scared my husband when I yelled ” No, it can’t end like this!” I am deeply in love with the people you have created and miss them already! Take your time but please hurry! Thank you for putting your stories in print and sharing with us.

    • Hi Jan,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the series so much. I laughed out loud at you yelling- you’re not alone in that. Some people thought it was the last book in the series, to which I thought ‘Do they really think I’m *that* cruel. This ending was bad enough, but at least the story goes on. I really did just end it where I saw it ending in my head when I first started writing this one. I’m very flattered to have become your favourite author too. 🙂

    • I’m glad you enjoyed the series, Shirley. It does take me some time to write these books, being that they are so long and detailed but I’m hoping for a slightly tighter time frame this go round. I’ll have to see how smoothly the writing goes over the next while. I have a good start on the book though. 🙂

  7. Thank you so much, for these stories, and the time you spent writing them, from long day of work and house chores. To sit down with hot cup of tea and read the adventure of these Characters, loss,happiness, and of course LOVE, my day melts away to a restful place. Thank you. Please write fast. Your devoted fan for life, I laughed I cried. Rosemary fom California Thank You.

  8. Stumbled upon your books while waiting for next Outlander book, and I absolutely love them! Sometimes I think I love Pamela and Casey more than Jamie and Claire. Your books kept me sane in the middle of the night with a colicky baby, and I’d end up staying up with the book long after baby went to sleep. Can’t wait for book 5!

    • If my books in any way helped you keep your sanity, I consider that they’ve have done their job! Daughter number three was colicky, and I well remember how long those nights were. I’m glad you enjoyed the books that much, Jenn. 🙂

  9. Thank you for a grand escape and an education. I have always had a heart for Ireland even tho I am not Irish. I did not understand “the Troubles” whatsoever. I truly thought it was a Catholic versus Protestant thing and wondered “why can’t we all just get along?” The education you have provided has been eye opening and heart wrenching. My heart felt gratitude to you!

    • You’re very welcome. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the books, Roxann. One of the reasons I wrote them was that when people found out my family was from Northern Ireland originally, they’d often comment that they didn’t understand the fighting there- so in part the books are my answer to that. Thank you for taking the time to write- it’s always lovely to hear from readers.

  10. Dear Cindy, thank you so much for your wonderful books. You were recommended by Dianna Gabaldon, on her site, as someone we might enjoy. I quickly read all four and the novella about the secondary characters. There is, as you said, lots more material there! Your books are so rich in dialogue and descriptions. I feel as though I know each character personally. Please continue to share your stories with us. You are an amazing author. Looking forward to number five!

    • Hi Carole,

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the series. It has always been one of my favourite things to hear from readers- that the characters are real for them. They are quite real for me, so I always hope that feeling makes it to the page, and translates into the same experience for the reader. Thanks for taking the time to comment, it’s always a pleasure to hear from a reader who has really enjoyed my books.

  11. Glad to hear that there is another book. Enjoyed all of your books and couldn’t believe saga was ending. Love all the characters especially Casey.

  12. Wow ,I have read the books 2 times already. I can’t express how much I enjoyed them . They are the best I have read in quite awhile. .I will be ready for the next book.. .Thank you for great book

    • Hi Mary- I’m so glad you enjoyed the series enough to read it twice. 🙂 You’re very welcome, it’s my pleasure to be able to share my books with appreciative readers like yourself.

  13. So very glad it doesn’t end in book 4 !! I loved the books but not the ending in book 4. Pamela has to see Casey again …………one way or another!!!! Ireland forever!!

  14. I love Irish history. So when I was looking for some good books to read I came across yours. After the first one, I was hooked. I immediately got the next three. I just couldn’t put them down. The characters were so real for me. At the end of book four, I felt this just couldn’t be the end. There were too many questions. I wanted so much more. I googled you and to my delight, realized you were writing a fifth book! I can’t wait!!!

  15. OMG your books are amazing. My daughter bought the first book and I read the back cover & just knew I had to read this book. I bought on kindle, her and I took at trip to Belfast in Nov.2017 our first trip abroad she’s huge Titanic fan it was my Christmas present to her, started the book on flight home and could not put down, I’m now finishing up the 4th book, the writing us superb and so realistic I feel like I am back there and know we will be going back again. I wanted my next trip to Ireland to be to the south but I think thru your books I need to see much more of the northern counties.

    • I’m so glad you are enjoying the series so much, Kathleen. I’ve been to Ireland six times, and there’s still so much I want to see there- you definitely need to drive (or have someone drive you) up the Antrim Coast on N. Ireland, it’s so beautiful.

  16. I am one of your many readers who read your series all the way through from start to finish of book 4. I also read Spindrift in the middle of the main books.
    I am also one of your readers that was so upset at the end of the book when I thought that was going to be the last book. I have read so very many historical fiction books on Ireland and have traveled to the Republic of Ireland twice and will be going to Northern Ireland in July. I was somewhat prejudiced against Northern Ireland until I read your books. They have given me a new understanding of the Troubles from a different point of view. I want to thank you for your accurate history and the characters that tell the story for me. I can’t wait for the next book, as others have said, I feel that I am actually a part of the history of Northern Ireland and want to know more about how all their lives turn out.
    This is probably too early to ask but do you think there will be a sixth book also? I just don’t want the books to ever end!

    • Hi Lori- I’m glad the books changed your mind about Northern Ireland. That was really a part of my purpose in writing them- to give people a different perspective of what has gone on there and why things were as they were at the time.

      I wrote something recently- it was one of those pieces that seemed to come out of the blue (I covered it in a blog post, the one called ‘The Truth in the Tale’) that makes me think there might well be a book six. I have to just follow the smoke trail the characters have given me and see if it leads to a fire. 🙂

      • Book 6!! Cindy follow where the spirit leads you! There are so many directions your wonderfully complex characters could lead you! Smiling at the prospect of a Book 6 as I eagerly wait for Book 5!

  17. I believe that I have read everything that Cindy has put before the public and I consider her one of the best authors that I have ever read. The scope and breadth of her writing and the characters that inhabit her story, rivals any I have experienced. Reading is something that I have consistently pursued for over 60 years and Cindy Brandner stands in no ones shadow in my estimation.

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